
Mobile Device Automation Solutions


For today’s manufacturer of consumer mobile devices, Pervacio as technology leader provides the most robust and customizable solutions to actively manage the demand on your production schedule.


Working in conjunction with all of the major OEMs, Pervacio has developed a complete range of applications that provide seamless end-to-end management capabilities for nearly every mobile device, irrespective of the network type, device type, operating platform or where the device is in the usage life cycle.

我們的法證認證軟件平台使原始設備製造商,,en,原始設備製造商,,en,簡化現有的設備診斷,,en,跟踪庫存並通過專用固件支持管理縮短的生命週期,,en,運營商解決方案,,en,零售商,,en,適用於當今在消費移動設備市場運營的運營商和零售商,,en,作為技術領先者的Pervacio提供最強大和可定制的解決方案,以積極管理零售領域的需求和逆向供應鏈運營,,en (OEMs) to streamline existing device diagnostics, track inventory and manage shrinking lifecycles through dedicated firmware support.

Solutions for Carriers & Retailers

For today’s carriers and retailers operating in consumer mobile device markets, Pervacio as technology leader provides the most robust and customizable solutions to actively manage demand in the retail space and reverse supply chain operations.

我們的法證認證和市場數據饋送軟件平台可以為增強設備分類提供基礎,,en,走出去的客戶服務計劃,,en,倉儲解決方案,,en,為今天的運營商提供消費者移動設備的逆向供應,,en,Pervacio的倉庫平台提供智能,,en,強大的,,en,高效和可定制的解決方案,幫助您無縫管理物流運營中的挑戰,並為您的業務增強靈活性,,en & walk-out-working customer service programs.


Solutions for Warehousing

For today’s operator in the reverse supply of consumer mobile devices, Pervacio’s Warehouse Platform offers smart, robust, efficient and customizable solutions to help you seamlessly manage the challenges in your logistics operations and build resilience into your business.

我們的法醫鑑定和市場數據饋送軟件平台使倉庫能夠自動化現有的設備診斷流程,,en,增加庫存價值並消除消費者數據洩露的威脅,,en,隨著許多行業移動設備的使用量的大幅增加,,en,大規模的數據擦除和資產管理已成為企業級業務的挑戰,,en,我們的法證認證軟件平台使企業能夠進行管理,,en, increase inventory value and remove the ever-present threat of consumer data breaches.

Solutions for Warehousing


With the vast increase in use of mobile devices in many industries, large scale data wipe and asset management has become a challenge for enterprise-level businesses. For enterprises, Pervacio as a technology leader provides the most robust and customizable solutions to centrally manage every aspect of a device asset’s needs.

Our forensically certified software platform enables enterprises to manage, track, secure, 維護和協調公司發行的和員工擁有的移動設備,en.
