

箭頭  Improve the effectiveness of tracking & managing enterprise device assets.

Dedicated Reporting

箭頭  Introduce the ability to securely & uniformly report on asset status across inventory.

Data Wipe

箭頭  Efficiently and securely erase data from any mobile device


For enterprises, Pervacio as a technology leader provides the most robust and customizable solutions to centrally manage every aspect of a device asset’s needs.

Our forensically-certified software platform enables enterprises to manage, track, secure, 維護和協調公司發行的和員工擁有的移動設備,,en,無論是數據擦除還是成像庫存資產的狀態快照,,en,完全集成的Pervacio革命性平台是一款完整的端到端解決方案,適用於希望在不斷分散的設備環境中支持其設備組合的企業,,en,保持聯繫,,en,設備的正向管理,,en,控制數據 - 擦除並管理各種設備的體驗,,en.

Whether it’s data wiping or imaging a status snapshot of inventory assets, the fully integrated Pervacio revolution platform is a complete end-to-end solution for enterprises wishing to support their device portfolio in an ever-fragmenting device landscape.

Forward management of Devices

Take control of data-wiping and manage experience across a wide range of devices.

企業設備轉發管理的完整解決方案,,en,BYOD,,tl,帶上你自己的設備,,en,程式,,en,Pervacio的企業平台使您能夠跨多個利益相關者和設備類型主動管理設備及其安全,,en,不管運營商,,en,使,,en,模型或平台,,en,我們可定制的端到端解決方案確保所有設備都經過資產標記並正確配置,以促進安全,,en,主動管理設備基礎設施的封閉環境,,en & BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs, Pervacio’s enterprise platform enables you to actively manage devices and their security across multiple stakeholders and device types, irrespective of carrier, make, model or platform.

Our customizable end-to-end solution ensures that all devices are asset tagged and correctly configured to promote a secure, closed environment that proactively manages device infrastructure.

這是關於控制複雜性在不斷變化的設備環境中的複雜性,,en,所以你不必這樣做,,en,庫存,,en,資產追踪,,en,智能,,en,定制優化庫存的工具,,en,促進公司統一和改進報告,,en,一整套用於企業庫存跟踪的產品,,en,Pervacio的企業平台使您能夠在報告中引入透明度,,en,管理資產生命週期,,en,跟踪設備內容,,en,全部通過一個合併界面,,en, so you don’t have to.



Inventory & Asset Tracking

Intelligent, bespoke tools that optimize inventory, promote corporate uniformity and improve reporting.

A complete suite of products for enterprise inventory tracking, Pervacio’s enterprise platform enables you to introduce transparency in reporting, manage asset life cycles & track device content, all through one consolidated interface.

我們可定制的端到端解決方案可確保所有進入庫存的設備都具有資產標識並共享潛力成為LDD,,en,鎖定設備,,en,設備製造,,en,包含移動設備自動化的成本,,en,通過自動化方法降低員工成本,,en,處理多個設備,,en,跨多個平台同時進行,,en,標準化設備資產標籤,,en,信息捕獲,,en,通過建立與您的需求一起增長的模塊化系統,滿足需求,,en,建立供應鏈彈性,,en (Locked down device) irrespective of carrier, device make, model or platform.

Contain the cost of mobile device automation

  • Reduce staff cost through an automated approach
  • Process multiple devices, across multiple platforms simultaneously
  • Standardize device asset tagging & information capture
  • Align with demand though a modular system set up that grows with your needs

Build supply chain resilience

  • 通過專用固件支持管理縮短的生命週期,,en,改善對增加設備複雜性的管理,,en,滿足利益相關方對數據安全的壓力,,en,受規管處置,,en,在一個界面中整合工具和功能,,en,保證無可置疑的數據安全,,en,十億,,en,估計目前全球使用的手機和平板電腦,,en,隨著數據安全和隱私法規數量的增加,,en
  • Improve management of increasing device complexity
  • Meet with stakeholder pressure for data security & regulated disposal
  • Consolidate tools and capabilities in one interface


Guaranteeing unquestionable data security

7.7 billion

estimated mobile phones and tablets currently in use worldwide

With the increasing number of data security and privacy regulations, 數據洩漏的風險及其相關的高數據洩露成本意味著必須採取行動確保完整和安全地處置敏感信息,,en,在設備生命週期的任何時候,,en,Pervacio的可擴展性,,en,經法證認證的軟件平台即使是最大型的組織也能讓您放心,,en, at any point of the device life cycle. Pervacio’s scalable, forensically-certified software platform provides peace of mind for even the largest of organizations.